…(me) completely spell-checked Faery Moon, and gotten it completely composed, all 13 pieces of it, into mobi. File conversion tomorrow.

…(me) completely spell-checked Vol 1, 2, and 3 of The Writing Life, and gotten them into mobi. File Conversion tomorrow.

…(me) gotten chapter 1 of the Faery in Shadow scan into e-book format.

…(me) gotten a little written on the Foreigner book.

…(me) gotten the addy/phone of the chap who custom-farms the small acreage I inherited from my mother, who needs instruction: thank goodness he knows what to plant and when—I have to call him tomorrow. He farmed for my mother for over 30 years. I figure he knows what to do.

…(me) talked my brother about covers he did for a couple of books we want to e-publish, and despite his migraine and broken crown, he is sending me files, bless him.

…(me) copyedited files on Closed Circle.

…(Jane) futzed with the cover design I did for Heavy Time and Hellburner, and turned them into real covers.

…(Jane) did a job of detective work on a misbehaving software even the creator of the software couldn’t fix—and fixed it, herself. She sent an e-mail to the author.

…(Jane) edited about every aspect of Closed Circle, putting the polish on, hanging the rest of the posters, making sure the register works, and organizing the shelves which we are about to stock.

Now we are just about ready to go live, but Jane, who has sat here hour after hour with her head jammed with technicals of the way this store works, softwarewise, has to get her books ready, and that will take a bit. I have had the leisure to get mine in shape; but I want her to get the chance to be ready too. Lynn Abbey has also begun updating her blog again, after all her disasters including the broken hand, so give her some nice comments; and she is thinking now of what to put up first. We are sooooo close to ready to go. We will make it before Christmas, I’m now sure of that; and maybe the week before. I’m always the optimist, but I think this time—we’re going to get it.