…and I ran the pond vac, which is a back-breaking sort of thing: you have to wait 20 seconds for it to void the collection chamber and come on again, and when it starts, the tip of the wand drops 2″, which can bring it down among pebbles (insta-clog!) or the water lilies if you don’t pose for it like a pool player over a cue and brace the thing so it won’t dip…

I have cleaned the pond filter about 12 times today, sometimes 2x in 30 minutes, as we stir up the bottom with the hose and let the filter catch the crud. I’m soaked and tired.

The tiller hit the sprinkling system again, this time involving a line under one of Jane’s favorite roses. That had to be moved and replanted, and the bush is heavily about-to-bloom. That meant digging, that threw the lower back out again—the si-lok belt got it back in, thank goodness: walking around with it is helpful. And we got the new rhody planted, the climbing hydrangea planted, and some of our ground cover divvied up and replanted. That’s spreading nicely, quadrupling its reach in one year.

The rhodies are blooming. I replanted my potted outdoor bamboo–again. We should be past freezes now. The dogwood out front is trying to bloom; the magnolia looks happy. I have yet to brace the contorted birch, which is twisting the wrong way. And then I’m going to have to turn that compost heap, all 14 yards of it.

But! since an actual though gross supper last night, I had energy and I could work. Dead-on about the diet having gone too far…I’m going to switch us to Chinese/Japanese when I get the scales and the rice cooker. I think I can do something proper with that.

Happy, happy. I’m looking forward to something that I can cook instead of boil.