…and a teen was very, very lucky. He fell 75 feet, and is in ‘good’ condition in hospital, after having to be lifted out by rescue chopper.

There is, incidentally, a sign near the rim that says that that chopper ride is somewhere around 30,000 dollars, and you will be billed.

I have a book to recommend: it’s Over the Edge: Death in the Grand Canyon. Fascinating account of the effect the Canyon has on people, among other things, plus the history of the place. We had it for reading on car trips, and it’s well-written and just fascinating…especially the two missing boaters, which is a mystery that actually starts in Spokane. We picked up the book at a store at the Canyon, but Amazon has it.

Another of our very favorite car-trip books is Sons of the Profits: There’s No Business like Grow Business, which is a history of underground Seattle…the most outrageous set of characters that ever founded a city.

Both of these books are non-fiction, and can be read in small doses, great for reading aloud.