Pay close attention to the weather reports. An online correspondent of mine just had his entire house ceiling fall in. He went to work on a cold day, he lives in the far south, the cold froze pipes in the attic, and for hours and hours, a split pipe delivered water full bore to his ceiling. The whole thing became waterlogged and came down, bringing what insulation there was down with it, that—and a lake of water, as the pipe kept going and going. Got all the house, the furniture, the electronics—it’s destruction like a river flood, but coming from above.

If you are in an area not accustomed to freezing temps, keep your house temperature reasonable, open the cabinet doors under your sinks, and keep a trickle of water running from your various faucets. Outside, if you cannot shut down your faucets, disconnect your hoses and tape styrofoam around your faucets, up against the house. That will hopefully keep them from freezing and splitting the pipe.

What a mess!