Bought 20 lbs of top rated flour for 14.90. That will bake 20 loaves of very good artisan bread, which is at least 2.50 a loaf at the store. Or more. So if I don’t screw up a loaf 🙁 —it will replace 50.00-60.00 worth of storebought bread. Which is pretty good for 15.00.

We buy our salad in bulk, though pre-prepared, in bags, because we found that buying veggies gave us some that went to waste: salad doesn’t. So we get it from Costco, and it’s a good price. Homemade bread at .74 a loaf, salad for lunch, with oil/vinegar dressing; supper usually stir-fry, at about 5.00 each. It is possible to live well without breaking the bank. Never mind the bread machine cost. I figure if it’s paying us back 1.75 a week, over its lifetime, it’s paying for itself, at the current Amazon price, in about a year. Next year is free. 😉

I am not going so far as to grow my own veggies, thank you: I get about 1 pint of strawberries a season off that strawberry plant that survived my strawberry-growing venture, and we have not yet seen even one blueberry off the bushes we planted. I count the strawberries pretty successful by comparison. 😉