…which had gotten really weedy on the alley edge. I remembered my goggles — a session at the doc’s getting my cornea perforated (like a lawn aeration) so it would re-adhere (a flying rock had created a bubble or loose spot) —persuades me that I don’t want to go through that again. It was under a local. Those who are antsy about contact lenses need not contemplate the event.

I did however forget to change out of my sandals, and had my feet peppered with highspeed gravel: no glass, however. Which was good. If I weren’t so lazy in the day’s heat I’d have trekked 30 feet back to the house and gotten the toed shoes, but hey, pain is nicer than walking in the heat.

I got to the bottom of the weedpatch that surrounds the forsythia. At least.

Now I should take the wheelbarrow out there and start digging away at that chest-high stack of basalt chips, but the heat, the heat…ugh. We’re building up humidity: it’s on a two-day buildup toward several days of rain.