…and we spent yesterday afternoon hacking frozen ground and moving semi-frozen mulch. Our neighbor now thinks he doesn’t want a wall where we were going to put it, so we had to rip up a wee bit more sod and (in a mild wind) get the newspaper down and then weedcloth and then mulch over a final pile of lawn waste and dirt, so it will compost. Jane did the lion’s share of the mulch-moving, and I laid newspaper and weedcloth and moved a little mulch; plus got the brussel sprouts disconnected from the giant stems of brussel sprouts they had for a bargain at the store. Brussel sprouts are generally so spendy we don’t get them often, but these were two huge stems (read, 3 gallons) of sprouts, which grow like hollyhocks, for 5.00. Couldn’t resist. I brought home these things that look like alien life, and we had steamed brussel sprouts for supper, with cinnamoned ham. Yum. I have enough brussel sprouts to go until Thanksgiving or beyond.

I also got the pump I’d ordered for the skimmer for the marine tank: good thing: I don’t like the tank to be skimmerless for 5 days!
If you wonder what a skimmer does, it’s the surf of a marine tank. When the ocean laps the shore, the amino acids of dead sea life make this froth, which is (in a marine tank) allowed to decay to a nasty green soup, which is then thrown out with some distaste. There was some viral video last year of a beach in Australia where 15′ high banks of froth had gotten kicked up, and people were letting their children frolic ‘in the sea foam’….

Every marine hobbyist in the wide world was shaking his head and going…”Oh, yuuuuuckkkk…”