…is their fondness for onions.

When you get beyond the pre-prepared foods, you have to cook your own, and most recipes contain things like onions (no-go in this house), lamb (we don’t eat sheep or goats), fish—ok, if it’s salmon. And you have to improvise.

Main thing is to keep it to half a cup of veggies and half a cup of entree. And bread remains verboten during the next stage.

The good news is we’re dropping the last-acquired weight, which will amount to about 7 lbs apiece. THis is ‘easy’ weight, so no big deal. I’ve dropped about half of it in two days on the diet, induction phase; Jane’s right with me.

Then we have to get rid of more ‘established weight’ which is harder. Sigh. And we’ll be on induction a while, maybe through the first 10 lbs beyond the 7. And then…

WE’re up against dieticians who believe that lamb, steamed fish and jicama is nice and bread is not. What I’ll have to do is just to start grilling meat (chicken, pork, salmon and beef) and steaming veggies in usual recipes, with, however, no starches. So a burger is a pile of hamburger with avocado and such piled on it. I can do better than that. Small steak or chop with mushrooms atop greens, no onions, but nice spicing. Nice ground beef with Mexican spice, raw tomato and peppers, sprinkle of cheddar cheese, and a little side of jalapenos and a spoonful of sour cream. I think I can do this.

This is their rethink of their anything-goes diet with fat and meat and alcohol: now it’s no alcohol and restricted fat, and no starch. And it’ll work for us, but I’ve got to take a different route to spiciness, and try to permanently reform our portion sizes.

It’s that old adage of ‘feed the person you want to become,’ and hold the servings down.

But we’re optimistic.

And fortunately the meals they serve all taste good. There’s a tiny bit of onion, but we can thus far cope with it…nothing enough to cause the symptoms a real dose causes.

We also can manage the South Beach Ricotta dessert, once we’re allowed to have nuts: some pecans, a few raisins, cinnamon, and a little ‘latte flavoring’ in a Splenda-sweetened ricotta, and there’s a nice semi-frozen ‘ice cream’ that’s perfectly legal, or will be when we get past this couple of weeks of induction.