Our back yard is sheltered by the fence, the wind was still, and though we wore coats and shivered a bit, it was nice to sit out by the pond for lunch. We saw many of the koi from the windows—looking good, with clear skins. Last year when Denys emerged from hibernation, he had a thick growth of green algae on his skin that was just very bad: he was lethargic and sick, and would come up in the shallows, lie partially out of the water and gasp. He was so bad I tried to catch him to medicate him, and was thinking I might have to put him down—but every time I had such thoughts, and approached him, he’d be off like a flash, into deep water, using up precious energy. So I began to leave him alone, and just tried to assure he got food, once they started taking food. And it took over half the summer, but the skin improved.

So when he went into winter I wasn’t sure I’d see him again: fish that die in the winter usually just disintegrate and get consumed by bacteria. But I think that was him: he’s hard to tell from Giraud and, at a distance, both of them can be hard to tell from Renji, but I’m pretty sure that was him, and with a clear skin, if that was him. I will be very happy if that’s the case. He’s not a pretty koi, but he’s our koi, and we want him to be healthy.

So far, on the roll call, I’ve clearly seen Ari, Maddy, and Amy, Renji, Ichigo [aptly named with the strawberry spot between the eyes], Rukia, Ishida, either Banichi or Jago, and Byakuya. I’m still looking for Kenpachi, Orihime and Grant, and a clear sight of either Denys or Giraud. OSG knows them.