All ready to go, on the 24th. All I have to do is the copyright process, and that takes about fifteen minutes. We’ll offer that one as .epub, .mobi, and .pdf, in keeping with our new format policy.

Yvgenie is proofed and in prep…we’re in html, and doing cleanup, and close to e-pub. which is step one. Conversion takes only a second. Prepping for conversion takes days, looking at every dot and bracket and spacing.

Then I’ll be doing the text-prep on Jane’s Netwalkers, which will follow the same course, for the same scheduled release.

Futzy does not begin to describe the process. And one of the LEAST cooperative processes is .pdf. If you have something manifest as an html problem, there is a fix. There is no fix for some .pdf problems. You just have to grit your teeth and say it’s ok if a line that should stop extends all the way across the page.

We actually care how the books LOOK…you won’t see all our wonderfulness on Kindle, alas, which is very meat-and-potatoes, but has a good look; epub lets us get a bit fancier, and displays the covers nicely. To see the cover on Kindle, you have to back up a bit, which is odd, but, hey, it at least works smoothly.