There is a classic experiment in which a guy put on prism glasses that inverted the image, and he wore them daily. Eventually his brain reinterpreted the image and ‘flipped it. When he took the glasses off, the world was inverted. It took time for his vision to normalize.

I’m experiencing something similar.  And I’m pushing reading without glasses to make my eyes adjust to this new situation. My eyes are fighting to improve the clarity of what I see, and I’m using the reading glasses (the OTC sort) to help out when I need to be absolutely certain what I’m doing, but the blurring and doubling (only on printed things)  is getting less and less—-eventually my eyes tire of the novel exercise and I have to use the reading glasses, but it is markedly clearer than yesterday—about the level of clarity you can get with glasses that are just ALMOST right, but blurring just a tad. The rest of the world is sparkling clear, even the stars just before dawn. Happy dance!

Give it a few more days, and I may be reading without glasses altogether! The moon in the sky is clear this morning. The number of times just in a few hours that I realize, before undertaking some task, “No, by golly, I don’t need to go find my glasses!” is amazing.

On the garden front, I’m doing the taxes and Jane’s out planting things. The weather is warming. The koi are swimming about wanting food now. So their year has officially begun. I think we’ve finally seen our last snow.