I’m headed into territory I haven’t explored in decades. Jane is headed past a pesky plateau that has stopped her again and again.

Let me give you the gist of it: first of all, we joined the actual South Beach site, at http://www.southbeachdiet.com which gives you recipes and answers questions like Are beans ok in Phase 1, and other things that can torpedo your success. I recommend that. It’s also a cheap site, membershipwise.

Secondly the essence of the diet: step 1—you sharply limit carbs AND fat, and totally eliminate starches from your diet. You have 2 snacks, one midmorning, one afternoon, and 3 meals. You basically can have all the protein you want, but must ALSO eat 2 cups of veggies a meal, or the equivalent—eg, you can have V-8 for breakfast. You may not have ANY starch. You get your carbs essentially from the vegetables. [No, I’m not fond of veggies, either, but seeing the scales go down is worth it.]
Step 2: you can have 1 unit of starch and 1 fruit sugar daily, meaning you can have a small apple or banana, and a slice of bread. And a glass of wine. If you gain weight back—back you go to phase 1 to war with your metabolism some more. You continue to lose weight. You moderate, gradually increasing your starch/sugar intake until you find your personal ok-point, and then DON’T exceed it.
Step 3: eat what you like, occasional treats, then back to the approved foods immediately. Do not misbehave. It takes a year or so to acclimate the body to the new weight.

This is the first time in 20 years we have had real hope of getting back to fighting weight. We’re feeling good, we love having the allowed desserts every evening, we’re fitting into clothes we’d almost despaired of fitting again, and we’re not hungry all the time. Can we go out occasionally? Yep—have the steak and salad, a glass of wine, and put the dressing on the side. No desserts, while eating out. Just have the big steak. No potato. Jane and I are resolved to order the big steak, have an extra salad instead of the baked potato, and split the meal. Cheaper.

Anyway, I offer it for any of you who are interested in facing the holidays with a Plan this year. You could get through Thanksgiving with a lot of turkey and the salad, no green bean casserole, no pie, or have it and reform on the following day; and Christmas, well, have a cookie or two, or that slice of pie, then reform and have the ham and a side of green beans.

That’s our plan, anyway. We had a binge for Jane’s birthday—cream pie and carrot cake, then went immediately back to weight loss. Mind, you can do this now and again and still come out of it on the track for weight loss. You don’t have to beat yourself up. Have an Occasion now and again, use some restraint, then come back to center, and it works.