Yesterday afternoon Jane and I went for a walk to try to get new air into our lungs, and came back to find OSG had come over from work, being unable to raise us by phone. We went out to the Swinging Door and had supper, which was really all I can remember eating yesterday.

It was real hard sleeping. Ysabel was there every night of my life, even on the road, even at conventions, for 15 years with very few exceptions, from the time when, as a tiny kitten, she managed to brace her tiny kitten feet and shove me right out of bed, a feat she accomplished twice in her life: grab the sheets with the foreclaws and shove with the back feet… 😉
Well, Seishi just is very wary of any place she claimed and he wasn’t about to go near the bed.
I slept maybe 3-4 hours last night, and at about 3 am got up to get a drink of water. Seishi turned up in the kitchen, from wherever he’s spent his nights; and I carried him into my room, but he wouldn’t stay—not too suprised or upset about that. Around dawn Jane nudged him into my room and he and I settled for about five minutes. Hey, we’re gaining on it.
He was willing to be brushed, sitting by the front window, where I do my first cup of coffee and think about story, every morning. So he’s done his first job as a Writer’s Official Cat.
There’s no replacing Her Furry Grace. Like a force of nature, she remains unique among all cats, —though as I’ve said, if she had any spare lives, it was my fierce first cat, Tabby, no other name, who when she lost her litter of kittens to a dog that invaded our garage, rescued one black kitten. She showed up injured, and we took care of her; we had no idea she had a kitten left, but she’d drop out of sight a lot of the day, for weeks. And finally she showed up with her one little ink-black kitten. So black kittens were Tabby’s thing, and certainly they were Ysabel’s: she brought up two of them, Efanor and Shu, and knew lordly Elrond, Jane’s magnificent fellow, when she was a kitten herself.
We had to get Sei to cope with Shu, who’s just a live wire; and I couldn’t take any time away from Ysabel’s daily schedule, or neglect her in any wise. I just had to find extra time for Seishi. And it’s going to be confusing for Sei for a while—it certainly is for me. He’s very different, so much like my dear old Khym-kitty, and tall: you pick him up and he’s all legs and tail; but he has a very good purr.

I miss Ysabel. I miss her so much. I miss her little tricks like grabbing my hand to tell me to brush the other side, now, please. I miss her plopping down on my arm to sleep—and staying there for hours; I miss her bright blue eyes, and her wonderful cooperative way in the car; or the fact she’d dog my heels every day, all day long—when I’d move, she’d move, and park on my lap if I had a moment, or close by, if I had to work. It takes a long time to build up that kind of relationship. Sei’s got a lot to learn.

And he’ll be his own cat. They all are. We’ll find how we best work together, in special ways, and we will do that.

But in the history of very special cats I’ve had, what can I say? Ysabel was Her Furry Grace, unique, and wonderful.