76048, and FINALLY! I had a great day writing.

I’ve spent the last few days outlining to the end (after remembering what the end is, and relocating it); and simultaneously recovering the blown-up 72 generation, 40,000 person genealogy file, bit by painful bit… It’s funny. So much of the database...

61048 words. Rain and cool. Trying to get back to routine.

I’m going back to old habits, trying to gather momentum, and so far so good, as the guy said, walking the plank… It’s too wet to go into the garden this morning. We’ve kept the path bare earth and this has a certain drawback. We can’t...

Still moving slowly

I got a little work done this morning. We went out shopping for hose washers (yep) so we don’t have a leak in the back yard. But a little after that I came down with a rare case of the hungries…I mean, if I didn’t get food in the next fifteen...