I’m going back to old habits, trying to gather momentum, and so far so good, as the guy said, walking the plank…

It’s too wet to go into the garden this morning. We’ve kept the path bare earth and this has a certain drawback. We can’t afford the gravel or the concrete to do flagstones yet. So it can be a bit of a bog here and there.  I had better go out and toss some fishfood, however, before our spoiled fish go walkabout trying to find some. As if they haven’t gotten fat on the worms and algae native to their pond. They’ve doubled in length and tripled in girth, I swear to you—at least Kenpachi has. He’s a horse.

Thus far the fish tank is staying in good balance, and the dreaded caulerpa weed is in retreat.

We need to go to Lowe’s and get a treatment for the front lawn, which has got a fungus, but, y’ know, writing comes first.

Jane’s working on her third cover for her own  books. I have mine ready to go…except a Rusalka cover, which I think she might do after this one, or maybe not: she’s on a roll with the Groundties set covers and might just continue into the new book. You know (or not) that she’s done a prequel, which has never been published. Then…I’ve got to get Chernevog into shape: I think it was Philospher asked was I thinking of Chernebog (Russian myth) and the answer is ‘not unrelated.’

I’d dearly love to get out there and rip up that darn lawn. We don’t like lawn. We’d rather have no-care beds with evergreen trees. But that’s going to have to wait. If I get into that, it means we have to get weedcloth and mulch, etc, etc, and gravel, and all those are not in the current budget. We’re going to make one of those water features I described in the penultimate post, to provide a little oasis in our front yard, along with the roses and maybe an English-type garden in front, who knows? I like hollyhocks and daisies as well as our Japanese themed backyard.

We got OSG back home and through her front door. I hope she woke up enough to get to work today.