Closed Circle download glitch

Die and learn! We did a routine upgrade to our shopping basket on Closed Circle, and users have met a download glitch. We have a query in to the software creator. In the meanwhile, stand by: we will announce here and on CC when we have a fix. Those of you having...

Holiday wishes from the Three Musketeers… Jane’s got pixxxx—of the decor—and Abbey’s blogging regularly again. And me—I’m sitting here with my cat on my arm—she’s sure she can help me...

May I say thank you—to all of you.

You who’ve helped us with advice, and analysis, and scanning, and shop-testing and just comments, and being there…we take it as the highest compliment we could get, that people like you read our books. Your generosity is amazing. Please stay with us. We so...

Working—we’re managing to get holiday decorations up…

…largely thanks to Jane, who is working as hard as I am on her own Ring of Lightning. I’m doing Hellburner while waiting for the files on Heavy Time…and we had contact with OSG, who is back from NYC, having seen every show in town. I am way behind in...

Working—we're managing to get holiday decorations up…

…largely thanks to Jane, who is working as hard as I am on her own Ring of Lightning. I’m doing Hellburner while waiting for the files on Heavy Time…and we had contact with OSG, who is back from NYC, having seen every show in town. I am way behind in...