Holiday wishes from the Three Musketeers… Jane’s got pixxxx—of the decor—and Abbey’s blogging regularly again. And me—I’m sitting here with my cat on my arm—she’s sure she can help me...

We have twitter…

CJ: and Jane: Here’s the deal: you can use a twitter ‘friend’ link to keep up with whether or when we’ve each last done a blog post, without having to hunt the page down, a...

Check it out! It works! It works!

Awright! I refuse, absolutely refuse to admit what I forgot to do. Too many irons in the fire is my only excuse and even I’m not buying that. But the download should now work! If it doesn’t…wait ten minutes before telling me. I wanna go take a...

The filk last night…

…went pretty well. And I played about 5-6 pieces and screwed up a bit, but my fingers have no blisters, thanks to several days of noodling around and getting my fingers used to the idea. Considering I only remembered F, G, A, E, and D, D7 yesterday morning, I...

76048, and FINALLY! I had a great day writing.

I’ve spent the last few days outlining to the end (after remembering what the end is, and relocating it); and simultaneously recovering the blown-up 72 generation, 40,000 person genealogy file, bit by painful bit… It’s funny. So much of the database...

Prepping e-books

The actual launch of Closed Circle is getting close enough I’m going to spend time this evening actually assembling several e-books, notably Faery in Shadow and The Writing Life: A Writer’s Journal vol 1-3. Those will be the first out. Rusalka is ready,...

OSG’s on the wing, coming home from Montreal Worldcon…

She says she had a wonderful time, but she wants her kittehs and her own bed. We’re going to pick her up at the airport, since OSGuy is at work. We have her house keys.  Heh. But we’re out of resources to do the reception number on her house that she did...

OSG's on the wing, coming home from Montreal Worldcon…

She says she had a wonderful time, but she wants her kittehs and her own bed. We’re going to pick her up at the airport, since OSGuy is at work. We have her house keys.  Heh. But we’re out of resources to do the reception number on her house that she did...