Size 12 jeans are now a comfy fit.

I found a really neat little cooking aid: Le Crueset mini personal casserole dishes. Not inexpensive, but resistent to heat, cold, all sorts of things, and microwaveable, with a lid. This automatically measures one serving of whatever, and last night, eg, I boiled up some penne pasta, half a cup dry each person, spooned it into 2 mini-casseroles, added black pepper, and shredded sharp cheddar. Lid, microwave 4 minutes for the pair together, and out comes a nicely bubbly peppery mac-and-cheese that’s actually within our guidelines. Serve with a serving and a half of steamed veggies.

Anything that can be made within the little dishes or fit within them for heating, when accompanied with that serving and a half of veggies, is fair game on this end of the Long Diet. Add, eg, chicken bits, cheese, bacon bits; or chicken bits, taco spice, cheese, and top with sour cream when done. Or potato, bacon bits, cheese. or…

It’s a fast way to get your head around ‘proper size’ of things that would be dietary suicide if served with a spoon. The Sensa is definitely helping…particularly Jane. No more snackies. An unintentional blind test: she came in a moment ago and asked, “Did you forget the sprinklies [Sensa] on breakfast?” Answer: “Yes. I did. Sorry.” She was having a snacking urge 2 hours after breakfast. And felt it. There’s no taste to it except if you get it straight, so if it’s missing you’re not apt to notice its absence. In this case, we have fruit-flavored ‘straws’ we can dump into a cup of water that will turn off the snackies real fast.

So if you’ve battled the snackies, this IS a good answer. I can resist it, but why try? I may go have one of those ‘straws’ too, this morning.

And the jeans now have comfy room.