First thing I did when I got home from the San Diego trip was hook a foot on the Christmas boxes in the mudroom and surf them down to the mudroom door, with attendant bruises.

I did better this morning. I usually get up at 5 to begin my day’s work in peace and quiet: I brush the cat, watch the morning traffic, have my first cup of coffee, all in the dark—then take my computer from the floor where I left it last night from my evening’s work, locate my glasses, and go back to my working chair in my room.

This time I hooked a foot in a cord stretched across the hallway entry (another Christmas relic) and, yep, found myself in a fall, this time with my computer, aimed at two doorways and a wall on short notice.

Well, when you figure skate you learn not to fight a fall, you plan it. Fast. Conclusion 1. Do not turn loose of the computer. Conclusion 2. Do not fall on the computer. Conclusion 3. Do not fall into the wall: there’s not enough room. By now I’m trying to turn in mid-crash and trying to fall with my head through the office door, not the office wall, while not landing on wrists or elbows or knees. There is not enough damned room, and the computer is too heavy to manage one-handed, except just to hang on to it.

So I landed on my elbow rather than let go. Ow. Damn. Ow. But nothing’s broken. Jane, soundly sleeping in her room down the hall, had a Whazzat? wake-up, and staggered out to see what I’d done. The computer works. My elbow does. That’s going to leave a mark.

We’ve been working so hard on CC, the rewrite, and the yard stuff we haven’t quite cleared out all the Christmas stuff, like stray power cords. Ow. Damn. Ow. We need four or five clones of us to help us catch up.

Meanwhile nothing’s broken, I am now on my second cuppa for the day, and it’s 5 minutes of 6. And I am typing this while trying to remember what I had plotted to do about a problem with the book, a conclusion I’d reached in my tranquil cat-brushing and coffee-sipping this morning.

Typical morning at our place.