The Worldcon has voted.

We’re it.

It’s going to be interesting.

We are served by Amtrack, Greyhound, Southwest, Delta, and Alaska Air.
We sit astride I-90, and the most convenient route up from the south if you’re east of the Rockies is I-25 to I-90, or I-35 [there IS a continuance up to I-80, though it may not be official federal highway: it LOOKS like official federal highway, through northern Kansas. Or any route that originates near Chicago and picks up I-90. If you’re coming up from west of Arizona, you’ve got the choice of the fairly untrafficked route through Nevada (Winnemucca) to the highway that comes up on the east side of Oregon, up to Kennewick WA and up to Spokane via Ritzville—or going I-5, which is heavier traffic, up through Portland. In Portland you have a 3-way choice: going the scenic drive up the Columbia gorge, which will also get you to Kennewick, with a stop at scenic Multnomah Falls; or going on the White’s Pass route, which will take you through the Cascades (once you leave civilization you see a lot of pine forest and mountains, and it is beautiful, but the only frequent rest stops are the Park Service camp sites, which have latrines; you can also stay on I-5 and pick up I-90 near downtown Seattle, which will take you on the other side of those mountains, and bring you through Snowqualmie Pass. If you’re lucky it WILL be raining and misty, which makes those mountains real camera-friendly. It looks like areas of New Zealand. You then go through a lot of flat farmland before you begin to climb again, and that brings you to Spokane.