In yesterday’s mail—a large tax mixup with the state of Oklahoma, who thinks we still live there and have for the last 10 years. Near heart attack…which I didn’t want to tell Jane about until I solved it. Which I have, or at least I’ve got someone on the problem. My accountant, who’s IN Oklahoma,  says he can fix it: this happens all too often—apparently one of my old agencies or former publishers sent 1099’s to the wrong state. So now we’ve got the state of Oklahoma confused, and the collection agencies they hire to handle this frothing at the mouth, just what our nerves need, and now they’ve likely sold our name to OTHER agencies. We’ll just have to ignore the vultures and wait for our accountant to explain to the state that taxes were paid long ago, and that we don’t owe them anything.

Today—I go to get the extra pieces of the bridge deck because OSGuy has promised to bring the chop saw and cut it up for us, so we want to get it all cut. Wrong lumber. I got whiteboard Choice. I have to schlep it all back again. So I turn it in, and nearly kill the Lowe’s guy when my bungee cord slipped my rather tired fingers—fortunately he was just out of range.

But the lumber I schlepped in evidently put pressure against our windshield–because when I had finally scraped together every fir Select lumber 1×4 of whatever size Lowe’s had—and went back out to load the car, our windshield had a great big starshaped crack in it. I can’t believe anyone hit it at Lowe’s…I think it was just a ding that traveled. Update: closer examination reveals sawdust around the scene of the impact, and no old ding. We now think some idiot/coward in the adjacent parking place in the loading area for construction stuff dumped a piece of lumber, broke our windshield, and scampered. Nice.