I think this should work. And it won’t scroll off.
The Get-together: the official word

September 5th-8th is the date.
I’ve investigated hotels and deals.
Here’s the plan.
The Doubletree hotel downtown is the big convention hotel in Spokane. It also does a room rate that can be 149.00 for four people, two queen beds.
IF just one person shows up for those 3 days, Jane and I can be nice city hosts.
If a dozen or two dozen show up we have, around that hotel: the Loof Carousel. Duck feeding: bring your own bread. Numerous restaurants within walking distance. Numerous pubs within walking distance. The gondola over the falls. The bridge across the falls. Riverfront park. Wonders of the World inside the Old Flour Mill, which is a gew-gaw shop ranging from the extravagantly expensive to the whimsical and cheap. And various places where, in that season, we can watch the water, feed the ducks, ride the Carousel, and otherwise just sit in the hotel bar or restaurant or somebody’s room and have a good time. You will also be next to the INB, which is Spokane’s live theater: sometimes they have shows. You’re pretty well on your own for booking that, because they’re sometimes Broadway Show prices and we’re not going to try to organize anything.

We’re not doing the kayak and lake cruise this year: that’s also organization and handling money and we don’t propose to do that: we have to write. BUT we will be able to entertain you (everybody on their own ticket! We can’t afford to pay for it), talk, shoot the bull, and if we have enough people with cars or can make multiple 3-passenger trips in the Prius—we can get you to our house for a backyard barbecue in pretty temperate weather, at that time in Spokane, and that won’t cost you anything. We can come and get you at the airport [we also suspect the Doubletree has a bus], meet you at the train station/bus station, and generally use the blog to help everybody coordinate: you can put the discussion in this thread.

We’re hoping to get everyone housed for as little as 38.00 each a night—if you pair up in fours and share…or 50.00 a night if you pair up in twos for the 109.00 room. Food is, well, you can hike all over that area (including a Chili’s and an Azteca next door) and eat either more expensively or far cheaper than there. There’s a very nice sports bar about a 4 block hike away.

Nothing that I can think of will be further than a 4-5 block walk, and if that’s a trial for you, we can figure some way to get you there.

So what we’re proposing is this:


If you group up and reserve rooms now, you’ve got the option to cancel them if your plans change.
We’re setting aside those 3 days. It’s the best choice we can make for our schedule. If one person shows up, we’ll still have a good time, but we really hope a lot of you can show up. If 5000 of you show up, we’re in trouble, and we’ll be contacting the local convention-throwers for helicopter assistance…

Our focus in this is getting together with you guys, as many as can make it. We want to keep it affordable for everybody if you can just get here, we want to be in a period when we can hope for comfortable weather, we want you to have plenty available to do in the area, and we’ll be there to talk, sit about, and generally have a 3-day party.


  1. CJ

    Tours possible to those driving in or out:
    1. Yellowstone
    2. Grand Teton Nat Park, near Yellowstone
    3. Glacier Nat Park (not so many glaciers left these days, but a spectacular drive, I’m told: we have yet to do it.)
    4. If you go down I-25 to Sheridan, you’re near: Devil’s Tower (a neat 2 hour side trip) and Mt Rushmore (somewhat longer side trip).
    5. if you go east to I-5, one option is Mt St Helens, a multi-hour diversion, counting seeing sights.
    6. if you drive the Columbia Gorge route, you’ll pass Multnomah Falls, a short stop, right on the road, a very tall cascade.
    7. If you go I-90 east, you’ll go through the lava field, and through the area of the Missoula Flood, with the coulees—look for flood marks on the hills; plus the Cascades. There is a route to I-5 south via Renton that bypasses downtown Seattle. Ask Jane.
    8. THere IS downtown Seattle, which is a good two-day stopover.
    9. If you go down I-25, Garden of the Gods is in Colorado Springs.
    10. Museum of the Rockies is worth a trip.
    And if you’re doing the grand tour, there’s, in AZ, the Grand Canyon and Meteor Crater. For the latter, you need directions: it’s privately owned, and the highway people seem bound to keep its access point a secret.

    There are glorious drives on all sides. Have your camera accessible as you travel.

    • chondrite

      If you need directions to Meteor Crater, drop me a line 😀 We’re meteorite-friendly.

    • paul

      “East to I5” from where? Humptulips? (Yes, indeed, there is a “Humptulips”! 🙂 Been there. 😉 )

    • Teasel

      Was thinking of seeing/going past “the Grand Coolee Dam where the water runs down”

  2. CJ

    Ah, yes, re the ‘east to I-5) I was confused. Thanks for the check. TO reach Mt. St Helens, from Spokane, go I-90 to Ellensburg and then go off on HWY 12, which will get you to Toutle, where you reach the Johnston Ridge Observatory that is, I believe the position held by geologist Johnston when the blast overwhelmed his camp. The link should give good directions going either to or from Spokane

    Hint: the camp sites on HWY 12 have restrooms. You can exit with your eyes floating if you don’t happen to know that you can stop at these turnouts.

    • paul

      But it provided an opportunity to mention Humptulips! 😉

      My Aunt lived in Morton on Hwy 12. You’re right about the pitstops–there ain’t a lot of stuff along that road. And it ain’t a route I’d prefer in winter–there are occasional closures.

      A much closer view of the crater (and Spirit Lake) may be had from Windy Ridge. It puts you just off the east horn of the crater. 🙂 You can see rockfalls! 😉 Turn left at Randle on county Road 25. (It’s a decent road, very lush. But one used to be able to see where the tops of trees that were standing tall got stripped.) Twenty miles south turn west on Road 99.

      There has been replanting, especially on the east side of the mountain, and a regrowth on the Pumice Plain. Not as impressive as it was 20 years ago! 🙁

  3. joekc6nlx

    I’ve received responses from only a few people for their name tags (they know who they are).

    It’s getting closer to the point where I will have to order the name tags and allow for shipping time to my house so I can print them and have them ready.

    If you have previously given :cherryh: an RSVP, please forward it to me as well. If you don’t have a current gravatar, or you have one you’d like to substitute for your screen gravatar, please send it to me. j o s e p h a c l a r k @ e m b a r q m a i l (dot) c o m or if you have a link to it, PM me and let me know where said link resides.

    Thank you!

  4. CJ

    Paul, next spring Jane and I may take the Windy Ridge route—as one would kind of expect, having several volcanoes and one largish eruption to build around, roads are not laid out in a neat grid, and there may not be a convenient turn for getting from one road to another unless you have a good map or local advice! Nice to know someone who knows the roads around there!

  5. CJ

    Still in need of three things:
    1. a head count
    2. dietary mobility issues
    3. of the things I’ve listed above, which ones do you most want to do?

  6. joekc6nlx

    I have no dietary restrictions, other than if I don’t like it, I don’t eat it…when in doubt, I usually order ala carte, anyway, as I’m not a “buffet” person.

    The winery tour seems like a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to the Japanese garden again.

    As a fellow “cat person”, “Cat Tales” seems like it might be interesting, too. I have a fondness for the big cats, especially cheetahs.

  7. CJ

    Cat Tales is a small zoo, but it is a ‘rescue’ zoo. It takes animals that are in distress and danger, that have no other place, and that just need a home and care and the people-support they’ve grown up to need, even if they are not now cute cubs. Don’t expect landscaped cages. Do expect up close big cats and a place that trains people to go on to work with these species in larger zoos. Our admissions will help feed these cats. They’re a good charity, and do something there are far too few operations doing.

    Arbor Crest Winery
    Latah Creek Winery
    Looff Carousel:

    • joekc6nlx

      Pretty cats……surprised to see a lynx there, but that’s good that it’s in a good place now. I don’t understand people who think it’d be cool to have a big cat for a pet, they’re not put together right, I believe. The cats suffer for it, they don’t have the same environment to which they’ve evolved, and no matter what you do, it’s still not perfect, but it seems Cat Tales is a much better place for them than some places……

  8. CJ

    Brought up socialized to humans, too, they would find Cat Tales satisfies what they expect of good people, and gives them safety. They do interact with the cats.

    Our own half Bengal is just about as ‘wild’ as any but dedicated wild animal folk should deal with. I have no problem with domesticating breeds that are small enough to domesticate, but a cat is a cat, and has the strength of a cat—and if you think a 30 pound dog is hard to control, a 30 to 40 pound cat with their kind of claws and jumping ability is a whole ‘nother experience. The small Asian cat is one thing:they jump, they have a strong hunting instinct, but they’re not going to grow huge, and they are handleable. I’m a little antsy about the serval-domestic cross, which produces a tall cat that does reach 30 pounds—but fortunately they are amenable to a leash, as I understand it, and are not as ‘wired’ as the Bengal (Asian Cat cross). Shu worried us for a while: he got so very territorial where it came to people entering the house—but he is mellowing out now that he’s through adolescence. I still warn everyone who visits not to try to get friendly with Shu, even if he pretends to invite it: it’s a come-on that can end in a nasty slap, the rascal. You will meet him. He will lie like a rug—I’m the friendly one. So nice. Don’t believe it for a minute.

  9. joekc6nlx

    CJ, Have you received any RSVPs via other means that aren’t available to us here on the list?
    You mentioned back on Page 1 that you had asked Patricia and Mike Briggs. I’m not sure how to make up their name tags if they’re coming. No avatar, no state information……

    I’m asking here again for those of you who have indicated you’re coming, but have not sent me an avatar or your home state, so that I can make up the name tags. I’m going to have to set a cut-off date after which I probably won’t be able to make up the tags. Right now, that’s looking to be around August 31, if I can find the tags at the local Staples, otherwise, I’ll have to order them, and I have no idea how long that will take.


    Thank you!

  10. CJ

    I have not. I’ve asked for a head count. You, Teasel, and Warrior are the only individuals who have told us you’re coming. This makes things quite difficult.

  11. warriorofworry

    CJ, I have a number of responses, but I was using the Bajio.Kabisu email to maintain privacy for our associates and Navy members. WE HAVE 7 right now, with the possiblity of three-4 more that I’m aware of. Along with Ready and Readyguy, we have Joekc6nls, Griffinmoon, Warrior (me) Votary (fiance), and Teasel confirmed. I also have a number or regrets.

    Joe-ji, in this sitation, I’d pick up 15-20 tags, do the ones you have, and bring a magic marker for the rest. Not optimum, but . .

  12. joekc6nlx

    I’ve seen a promise back on page 1 or 2 from Trevin and Nancy…..I’ve also got other people who have said they’re coming…..

    I haven’t gotten a reply back from Trevin about his avatar or his home state, so am holding out for that…..

  13. warriorofworry

    TREVIN, NANCY and TEAGAN (and any others who are attending and haven’t yet contacted me) – please email the following information to bajio[dot]kabisu[at]gmail[dot]com.

    1 Your Wavy Navy Screen Name
    2 Your full name and State (and if you would like your address added to a directory of our celebrants, please include it!)
    3 Your email (so we can add you to the Bajio Kabisu calendar)
    4 Your telephone (best if it’s a cell and the phone you’ll have with you at Shejicon)!
    5 An emergency contact name and number in case of unfortunate Guild action
    6 Arrival and departure dates
    7 Whether you will have a vehicle or will need transportation
    Please include the same information for each friend and family member who will join us, even if they haven’t yet had the pleasure of sailing the Wave Without a Shore, or are of uncertain manchi.
    If you are a newbie, Welcome!! This is sort of a family reunion, with better food, more fun, and less drama! You’ll be with people who discuss the relative mass of Jago and Banichi, or argue over Pyanfar’s menu for the Shsto. For fun. You can ask questions about various works of the authors themselves. We’ll have fun activities, time to meet each other and our hostesses. We will be paying our own way for events, activities, and meals, etc. (except for the Pirate BBQ Saturday night).
    Bajio.Kabisu also has a calendar. One you’ve emailed me, I’ll add you to it. I’ll post a tentative schedule for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Your input is requested. Additional information which will be provided on the calendar and in our confirmation email!
    Thank you!

  14. warriorofworry


    Finalizing the list of attendees and schedule for

    Nancy and Trevin, still need your info. Thanks!

  15. ready4more

    Calling all members of the Wavy Navy! We have found a hostess gift for CJ and Jane that we would like to present during ShejiCon. For more particulars PM me and I’ll let you in on the SECRET. The problem… Pricey… If anyone would like to be remembered to CJ personally please let me know and we will see that you are included on a list of members sending their regards.

    In other news we will be receiving an artwork to auction or raffle off to help defray costs for CJ and Jane. Stay tuned for further info about this offering. We hope to get the art print signed by both the nationally known artist (MW) and by the hostess with the mostest.

    • chondrite

      Ready, I don’t have your e-mail; please contact me at colemanpurple (at) hotmail dot com
      Thanks — chondrite

  16. ready4more

    I forgot to mention I can be reached through bajio[dot]kabisu[at]gmail[dot]com, which is our official planning email.

  17. joekc6nlx

    Name tag blanks have been ordered. Not the huge quantity I thought there would have to be in order to make the purchase, so the cost was much less than I thought, plus there was also a large gap in price between the MSRP from the manufacturer and the price in the store. That gap was in my favor as it was some $19 less than MSRP.

  18. warriorofworry

    I’ve added attendees (and some allies) to the Google+ bajio.kabisu “friends” circle. Let us know if you’d like to get Shejicon: Against the Odds info, and I’ll add you. The schedule is in final planning stages. Information has been amassed (and will shortly be yours. Please direct your questions, comments and info to WWaS OR the bajio kabisu site.

    • joekc6nlx

      I got the invitation, I think I’m in that circle… least, I have the avatar showing up…..I think I’ve joined it properly…..

    • paul

      Got it this morning too, but I declined to give Google any more information about me than it already has. 😉

    • chondrite

      Much as I would like to participate, I don’t do Facebook, and google+ is too darn nosy. I ran through a dozen usernames, including some fairly obscure ones, and it kept insisting my choices were already taken. I don’t need a Google account that badly.

      • Teasel

        I second your paranoia. I have been a Facebook member for 2 years because my extended family doesn’t communicate any other way and we were organizing a reunion. But basically it is a huge time-sink. My minimal profile is mostly complete lies. My attitude to social media is, I’m not that social. If you have the option of avoiding the F book, do.

        • warriorofworry

          Sometimes FB, or old livejournal, let me be social without infringing on my basically reclusive nature. And the plus is that I do keep in at least cursory contact with people I won’t be able to see anytime soon.

  19. warriorofworry

    Oi. Chondrite, I have your email so not a problem, ditto Teasel and Paul. I know Google has its tentacles in everything – your volunteers are just looking for a fast way to exchange non-protected (i.e. public) info about Shejicon: Against the Odds. 😉
    Social media IS a time-sink, (including WWAS, not that I mind!) but I’ve gotten pretty picky @ where and how I post, and under what name. I am well aware that any half-way competent data miner could amass startling amounts of personal data on me. Even worse, sometimes I’m the data miner. . . And in the 20 years I’ve been in my profession, what used to be “call me back this week” has become a phone call 10 minutes after an email or text – “didn’t you get my (whatever)??!!?!?!?!

  20. ready4more

    I have to apologize as I sent out an email from the bajio account to those of you on my mailing list about the hostess gift. THEN, I read your emails about desiring relative anonymity… I am most humbly sorry…. I’ll never do it again.

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