Seishi turned up limping violently on a left hind foot, as if his whole leg was affected, and I feared he’d had a hip dislocation. .. He and Shu leap and dive like gymnasts and Seishi’s spent his whole life in the confines of a cattery, much of it probably in a cage. And to make matters weird, he’ll limp a bit, then not.

Well, we could get in with the vet, and thank goodness, one of their people is an orthopedics specialist. He’s a doll. Nope, hip not broken: what he’s got are loose kneecaps. He’s had a patella slip, and it pops back in. Doesn’t hurt, actually, but this is a condition that can worsen to the point where it needs surgical intervention—it’s fixable. OTOH, Sei’s a cage cat, and he’s getting stronger, so more leg muscle may help the problem, so he goes back to running and romping with Shu-Shu without even a shot.

Seishi’s had a day: he began it by eating a feather cat toy—and heaved up the mylar ribbon that was part of the bundle, but the feathers are still missing. We have noticed before this he WILL eat feathers. We have bought a number of these: we think that we are going to put them away.

Then the kneecap thing. We hope he may outgrow that.

He was soooooooooo glad to get home from the vet’s without even getting a shot.

And I’m so glad they can go back to playing!