We’re cooking everything we can. We have a tiny freezer and two ice-chests, so we’re putting things there.

For our fridge think not of a fridge with a six-pack of beer and a half packet of weiners. Nay! A) I’m a food-hoarder when it comes to ice boxes. I stuff the thing with everything that it will hold, and have probably 20 bottles of salad dressing. I don’t even like salads. And B) I’m a cook. I love to cook. On Atkins, all I get to cook is meat. Guess what the fridge is/was full of.

I hied me off to Lowe’s, source of fairly good deals, and our Lowe’s credit card enables 6 months of no-interest. Plus we had a 25.00 discount card. Jane—is supposedly getting some actual work done, which requires not just physical but emotional quiet and tranquility. So I proposed to go do it: I’m a pretty direct shopper: I go in with criteria—in this case, white is ok, certain dimensions ok, top freezer ok, icemaker is a must, and I want a good flexible shelf arrangement. I march past the salesfolk with “I’m here to buy a fridge,” and got a gal who’s helped us before. It was quickly down to 3, one side by side (too pricey, too little space), and one nubbly-surface sort and one smooth. “I’ll take curtain #2.”
“Well, if you wait a day, they’ll be on sale.”
Me: “I have a fridge melting in my kitchen.”
She: “I’ll see what I can do.” She marches off to talk to the manager. She comes back, says, “I can get you tomorrow’s sale price.” And then she goes off to find the fridge in stock.
Comes back. “I’m sorry. There isn’t one. There’s one due on the truck tonight.”
Me: “Do you believe that?”
She: “Usually.”
Me: “How about curtain #3?”
She: “I’ll check.”
She does. Finds out the one on the floor is the last and it’s not Energy Star compliant, which misses a 75.00 government rebate. She checks and finds out the new model is upstairs. It is Energy Star. She heads off to the manager to get me a sale price on a model not even on the floor yet, and, yes! I can get that one, get the sale price, and we’re good to go.
We got the paperwork filled out: (I omit the part at the front check-in where she had to come to the front and do it all again because their new computer system couldn’t find my item.) I get: my 25.00 general discount; the 75.00 Wa state rebate for replacing an older fridge with an Energy Star machine; 10% off [which is the sale], and generally got off with next year’s model at a very good price.
Meanwhile Jane instead of getting her work done had tackled what I thought I had to do: we have ton-‘o cooked meat. We will be creative with leftovers for a month. Tomorrow the new fridge will arrive. And we will NOT have had the old fridge totally malfunction and burn itself to a melted mass of stinking plastic, which is what they can do when they go into meltdown.

I took a page from my father’s book (he worked summers doing ice delivery in the old days, with a horse)and got a big ice block for the fridge as-is, which will keep the less-critical bottles of this and that ok; and two bags of ice for the two picnic boxes.

And this was supposed to be the quiet, tranquil day when souls would settle gently into place and creativity would happen.

We’ve had creativity, all right, but not on the work we wanted to do!