Which is really good news. I’m feeling good, generally, recovering slowly where it comes to the hands and feet, but I can type, and I’m working.

I will say the whole cancer experience has been a trial—I went into it able to pass for late 40’s and come out of it looking like the model for Ilisidi, including occasional recourse to a formidable cane, on uneven ground or bad conditions—but I’m regaining my health, anyway. Hair is all white, skin is, well, it shows experience, say. I dropped 40 pounds in the whole business, and am still (purposely) losing weight, since I can, and want to. But fast weight loss means muscle loss, which I didn’t intend, and am trying to rebuild. I can walk 3/4 of a mile, and back, and then I’m done for the day. Lower back issues, yeah. And I can’t sign my name in the same style as before.

But way ahead of what’s in second place, friends. Feeling generally good, just quickly winded. But I’m triple vaccinated for Covid, far enough from chemo that I should have an immune system capable of responding to the vaccine, and I’m pushing what I can do physically to build back muscle. Gut surgery is a pita, where it comes to keeping you out of action for a while. But the PET scan found NO anomalous cellular activity, anywhere, and that is really really really good news. Get those scans and blood tests and colonoscopies, friends. I was on the early side of a breakout when they caught it. A few more months and I’d have been in far worse trouble.

The koi are settling to sleep for the winter, the winter cover is on—Maddy (a white butterfly koi) managed to get herself atop it in a small puddle until rescued: I used the pool net to depress the edge of the floating cover and let her back to the pond below…

The garden is all reds and yellows. The lotus has given up and is shriveling in the frosts, and the waterlilies have stopped blooming. Winter is coming. But we enjoy the snow and hope for a lot of it, since we don’t have to go anywhere, and can just tuck down and work and write.