We got a sub to Carbonite. We are in the several-day process of getting the initial comprehensive back up, and then it will simply update along the way. These computers are getting so big and storing so much it’s becoming way too problematic to do a disk-based backup. My laptop and writing computer is, eg, a Latitude E5500, which reckons storage and speed in terms that still boggle the mind.

Henceforward, we can use our machines until they drop dead and still not worry. No more having to buy a new machine because the old one is getting iffy. We have 3 laptops, one a refurb old one of mine, that we use on occasion when we don’t need speed, and, well, you can almost count Jane’s that lost its screen—literally: it fell off—but I don’t think that one’s active any longer. What we are going to have to replace is our router, which is wheezing under the load of the house net, but it’s old, and about time to get a new one.

Jane’s a bit under the weather: pinched nerve in her neck—you know how that hits you where you live—, and I think it was from trying to take most of the weight of the door as we maneuvered it. I think we’re going to have to make a chiropractor run.  But she’s still icing it and trying to work through it.

The kitten is still quintessentially cute: I wish we could get a recording of his “let’s play”, which is sort of like mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeep! in the highest kitten-voice you could imagine.

He and Ysabel settled down to sleep within 5 inches of each other. We’re gaining on the interpersonal skillz, too.