…a Closed Circle download, please use the troubleshooting link on the site and e-mail us immediately. This also includes freebies. THere is a quick fix for this (we send you a special link) but we cannot do it if we do not know you are having trouble.

A Closed Circle transaction immediately returns an e-mail to your e-mail addy giving you a link code—and it is fast. Usually it’s waiting for you when you exit Closed Circle and go to your mailbox. So don’t mess about hoping it will arrive in an hour or so. If it ain’t instant, it ain’t workin’. First thing to check, always!! is your spam filter. Aggressive spam filters don’t like links in messages, and they’ll grab our innocent little e-mail and treat it as a felony. So check that. But if it isn’t there, go back to Closed Circle, find the troubleshooting link and e-mail us about your problem.

At this point real live human beings have to check their e-mail, read your letter, and act on it. But once we do find it out, it’s a quick procedure for us.

Always use a Closed Circle code within 24 hours. They expire.

Also, if one of our files is not displaying reasonably on a given device, let us know and we’ll try to help: we’re still a work in progress.