Remember I took a downhill-facing tumble a few days ago.

Well, between landing on the hand belonging to the bandaged shoulder, thus screwing that, I twisted mid-fall to avoid a faceplant among the foot-diameter sharp rocks I was aimed at, and now my right leg is, to put it mildly, a mess. I went to Dr. Shane yesterday, and he taped up the shoulder, which helps: it’s doing great. The leg, not so much. He worked quite a bit on it, but assuming adhesions in the soft tissue, he didn’t do a back crunch. Now that he’s got the peripheral soft-tissue pain solved, I can now feel the real pain, which kept me awake most of the night—can you say screwed-up sacroiliac?—meaning that place where, without a proper joint-joint, the backbone attempts to maintain a connection with the pelvis…

Jane worked it over with the percussion thumper we have (a very good one)—and lent me her SI belt, which is a Good Thing, so I did the morning walk, but this pain is really quite distracting. I would say from the ‘feels like your upper leg is afire’ pain of yesterday, and the inability to raise my knee at all, it’s better; but this is ‘my hip joint has a toothache’ pain that just kind of ebbs and flows constantly.

And we have our local con tomorrow. I am so not happy with this. The cane I used for walks before I took up figure skating has been gathering dust since we moved here, but I think I am going to take it for use on stairs and just when I want to get the weight off that side.  And if anybody bumps into me I may use it Ilisidi-fashion. Ow! I’m using ice, Aleve, the SI belt, and hot baths, hoping to get this damn joint to slip back into alignment, but ow! ow! ow!