Jane, who did the bulk of stone-moving, slept til noon. I got a little work in. I’m concerned about her doing too much and landing back where she was. When she feels better, she hurls herself at a job. But she promised (and kept it) that this afternoon she’d only clip flowers and water. No planting, no digging holes, no heavy raking, no carrying stuff.

Now I’m exhausted. I got Preen spread over everything; got the roses fed; did the mailing (an ordeal); and the shopping; and I swear to you, I have seen a few years, and I freely admit I rely heavily on hair dye, but! I! do! not! park a shopping cart catty-angled in the entry/exit of a major store, while conversing with a gaggle of my friends, and debating whether to use the hand-wipes conveniently provided, or asking who has the coupons and demanding to see same before believing it: people are stacked up with carts 4 deep trying to get in or out. In vain, until they had settled the coupon issue!

When they moved out, they had one cart in the lead, a lady with handwipes and coupons, and they single-filed like ducks, catty-angled across the normal traffic flow. Beyond that, they were everywhere inside the store. After locating what I’d come for, I grabbed my purchase and fled, seeing three of them advancing on the aisle.