I, however, got chilled. There’s something about perpetually being exposed to 32 degree cold: you don’t get cold, really. But it’s the better part of two years since I’ve been that much on the ice, and the rink was, shall we say, hyper cold—I got so chilled my fingers passed beyond hurting over to numb, ditto the feet were getting cold—I’m nearly immune to cold feet. And I decided I was approaching Not Comfortable, so I got off, ran my hands under ice water until I could get them warmed up and use the warm tap a bit, and then changed to street clothes—by which time I was having that old hip pain which I get now and again since a real nasty flat-out-sideways drop onto the ice from a fairly fast circular pattern: ie—I was practicing crossovers at speed, hit a blade, and went airborne.

Well, that one hurt. That was a couple of years ago, directly after a Bloomsday Run, meaning my legs were exhausted, I got cocky, and I’ve paid for that one ever since. Now and again it gets me. And the cold did it. I was so cold the pain lasted through lunch at the Doors and going home and trying to warm up in bed under covers. That didn’t work. Neither did Advil. But a hot shower finally began to warm the muscle up, and finally it stopped, just like flipping off a switch. Cold is a remarkable thing: dulls some aches, and exacerbates others.

The galleys for Intruder arrived, and I am up to chapter 5 doing checks—most of what’s happened is something funky with the punctuation. I didn’t do it; but sometimes when you translate from Word Perfect, which I use—into Word, which DAW uses—(sigh)—well, Word is a weird and quirky program.  We hates it.  And I can only imagine what that wretched program does when they use it to create e-files: it loads a thing up with more garbage than can possibly have a use.

Anyway, I am using it in pdf, yet one more very ‘dirty’ program. I tell you, Word Perfect goes like a lamb into e-book correction, and any novice can get directly at its printer codes, first try, easy to fix. It has NO junk attached, goes in clean, loads into html clean. Word Perfect, or Adobe—rife with gingerbread. Why does the business world choose Word?  I echo Meg’s opinion.

Anyway, we are home today working: Jane planned to skate, but stayed home to solve a problem; and I stayed home because  I’m trying to take it slow getting back to the ice, let the muscles recover, then do it again. I want to get back to flying around the rink again. Right now I’m going pretty cautiously…don’t want to fall until I’ve got the muscle padding built back, and I’ve had enough birthdays that doesn’t happen overnight.