I don’t like glass coffee pots. They spill, they break, and the coffee overheats, etc. etc.
I have since about 2000 used the Hamilton Beach Brewstation, and liked its press-pour tech (coffee is held brewed into a tank-dispenser, and dispenses by the pressure of a cup against the trigger.) BUT—these machines clog (a tiny non-replaceable filter screen gets deposits nothing can remove.) And spill (a coffee grain gets wedged into the dispenser, and if you don’t notice it, and wash it clear, you get a full tank of coffee poured onto your countertop.

So—a wonderful machine with issues. I have replaced them about every 2 years.

Enter…finally…Cuisinart, which does a far better engineering job. Similar, but with a tank you can lift out and fill. With a deeper filter basket that does not let grounds loose in the system. With a very clean delivery system (you set your cup on a tray, push a button, a light comes on over the cup to show you where you are, and a neat float gauge shows you how much coffee you have left. There’s a clean cycle, which is run on simple white vinegar. And it makes good coffee. I investigated a Keurig system, but at my rate of coffee consumption, I could go through 10-20.00 a day in little cups.

Happy here. Cheaper than a Keurig, and so is the coffee. It will not create the number of messes of spilled water and coffee that the HB did, and Jane (who does not drink coffee) will be very happy too!
