Lynn came up with an idea.
This is a good thing.
We need to redevelop our working together and develop an ongoing feature on CC.
You’re going to get the benefit of it.
We’re going to do what all three of us know quite well: a shared universe for us.
Here’s how it came down. We talked on the phone. We thought it sounded great. Then we polled ‘us’ with the question—anybody got a universe? Weelll, Lynn had a spare one. She’d been messing around with the old Acme Idea Generator, and this one fell out. It’s called “Seeking North,” and it’s set on a colonial planet that’s seen hard times.
Jane has a notion.
Lynn has one.
I, heaven help me, have one.
We’re going to have something up come New Year’s. The current way it works is just—it’s free. We don’t know what we’re going to do with it. You’ve already seen what sort of scraps lie about my worktable awaiting spare parts. Haven’t gotten my own finished yet, and I can’t really divert my brain, in the struggle I’ve had to finish this novel properly. But Seeking North might just work with minimal effort, once certain things gel.
Stay tuned. Look at Lynn’s site: Lynn’s Blog /a> for details.