I was following instructions for a security upgrade, and got to the point I thought I should push the ‘do-it’ button. I nearly wiped my whole identity, which would have taken the page with it. I made a belated move to stop it, but in the process, I lost a bunch of sub-pages, just lost, gone, with all attached comments!  I am so sorry!

I have reconstituted the generic book discussion page, and trust you guys to fill it with brilliant threads. I will reconstitute others as I think of them, or as you remind me. 

Having nearly sunk the ship, I am now going to take the recommended rest, and hope to persuade Jane to do the same…though I know she will not until she gets her own book up. She has diverted herself for the last 3 days working on MY stuff and the spambot attack, and is so very tired. I wish I could help her, but she’s doing author-type corrections that I can’t do for her. I am trying to do the office cleanup, at least, and to do some house cleanup…