…of course I could be wrong. But our snowfall yesterday melted nearly as soon as it hit, and our prediction of several days of snowfall has moderated to mostly hovering between rain and snow for the rest of the week. Jane and I both prefer the cold: I call 75 hot, and she’ll extend her range to about 75, maybe an outdoor 80 with a breeze. Ask me how I grew up in Oklahoma before air-conditioning and it isn’t a pretty story.

So here we are, owners of a nice electric snowblower, with two snow shovels—and no snow to speak of. Of course February up here, as in Oklahoma, can surprise you.

One thing that we’ll have to get, when first we get a nice enough fall to stick, is a photo of our snow-viewing lantern by the pond, and a shot of the mural with a snowy landscape in front of it. Curious, how that outdoor setting changes: in the summer heat, with everything blooming, you look toward the mural and think of looking up into the mountain highlands. But in the winter, with white over the ground, you look toward that mural with its hint of green and its high waterfall and have the illusion of looking down off the snowy mountain shoulder into a rugged lowlands. Neat. We never planned that effect, but it’s great.

Lynn has just broken her finger. This plays hob with typing for a while. We’re pitching in to help out. She was walking home from the opthamologist with her eyes dilated, caught her foot, fell, and broke her hand. This caps a really rough week otherwise. So our best to Lynn, and a hope she recovers quickly.

That’s about the news there is. The sky is overcast, the air is still and cold, and I’m cooking baby back ribs for supper. Had chicken last night. Here’s a good fast recipe: one whole chicken: slather with Frank’s Original Wing Sauce, which is no-carb; bake at 350 until done, stopping halfway to pour a little more Frank’s Sauce atop.

I’m going to see if it also goes on pork ribs. Those: coat in sauce, wrap in tinfoil, place on rack, cook for 2 hours. That should feed 2 nicely.

I’m still liking the shoes. They’re actually nice to sit around in instead of the muffies.

Ysabel is sitting beside snoring…loudly. At times she snores so loudly at night I have to poke her to wake her up and get her to stop. Lucky me—I get the snoring cat. Grace ‘n Charm—as we once named two pet ducks.