Not a bad zoo, but multiple snowfalls, physical therapy which leaves me quite bushed, taxes, and the big marine tank is having a snit, having just gone through blackouts and 2 years of house remodel—my equipment just finally bit the big one. The circulation pump died and the lights had an electrical crisis.

So that had to be replaced.

The central computer in our house network is having issues right before tax-time. Joy! And that is the body of the octopus which runs the whole household. That is being replaced.

There is still the back walk and driveway to clear. Again.

I’m not griping, understand; equipment just goes when it goes. But meanwhile I’ve begun to recover my brains after so much crud in the air—the new air cleaner unit is doing real well, and that helps immensely.

I’m cheered by the response to Alliance Rising—Jane and I are plotting the next one.

And…we are close to being able to paint and tile the library, which means we can move all those stacks and stacks of books back into their places. I wish I could ship all of you all the books we’re having to get rid of, because there are some nice ones, but we just don’t have room. I am keeping my copy of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, my Patrick o’Brien novels, and various treasures in the field.

I have just tidied our digital archive of contracts: when your contract from 1983 is for Book A, B, C, and D, titles to be determined, it is a headache to attribute them properly.

And otherwise we are doing well. We come back from PT quite stove in, but the improvement is huge. I was occasionally walking with a cane and hurting at every step; Jane not quite to the cane stage, but hurting worse than me, except the instability—and I caught myself taking a short run the other day, crossing the parking lot aisle. Wasn’t much, but it was a lot, if you get my point of view.

We’re about to be socked with another winter blast.

I’m answering questions on the next Foreigner cover, so that’s in the works.

I REALLY want to get the library put back together.

We are letting kitty relations take a breather. We’ve sent Tanner back downstairs for a cooldown, and the conditions down there are much nicer for him. We’ll let him back up intermittently, until everybody gets bored with sniping.

We are both in good shape—better shape than prior—and I am really looking forward to less chaos in the house.