Because it went to Oregon from Spokane WA and it’s taken 3 days to get to Eden. It’s now on its way to Houston TX.

It should get there Friday. We think.

And I delayed mailing it last Friday because I didn’t want it sitting in a truck in Houston all weekend.

The irony, it burns!

In the meanwhile, I’ve readjusted to the narrow keyboard on the older Latitude, and have my fingers crossed hoping that they don’t end up wiping the disc on the ailing machine. It’s so much easier just to plug the data back into a known structure. Reinstalls are a pita.

My new machine will get here on the 28th. They say. They told me I’d have the first machine back by tomorrow. Which I suppose conceivably might have happened had I mailed it last Friday, so it’s my own fault. But the question is would it have moved from Oregon last weekend, or would it have sat in a Fedex parking lot? At least I know it is going to get handed to a repair center on Friday. So it will set there until Monday at least. Maybe get fixed and air-shipped back. That will get it here, oh, maybe next Tuesday or Wednesday. Or Thursday. Or Friday. That means a get a few days to restore its files before I move them onto the new machine, and the old machine gets to play backup and road machine to the new one.