…with the iris. That one by the bridge had to be pulled before it shoved the bridge over—

The roots/rhizomes are about the size of large Irish potatoes, and getting in there…gasp…was a bear.

I started modestly with clippers to take off the leaves on one side.

I graduated to a spade, which I attempted to get underneath the clump and lift. No-(bleep)-way. It wouldn’t budge.

I got the big mattock. This got a few out and began to break up the clump…or at least…5″ of it.

I got the little mattock. This got a few more. I began to get to the center of it.

Back to the big mattock, using it as a lever with my entire body weight…no joy. Wouldn’t even budge.

I used the big mattock pick-end, and broke it up some more. I have now a mound of iris on the patio. I tried hooking the pick under the clump and pulling to try to break it up. I am in danger of a fatal accident, if that thing should give way totally—because I’m poised above the rock steps—but no joy. That thing ain’t moving.

Finally I take after it with the pick, deciding mortality among the iris is better than my own—and broke it up enough I doubled the size of the pile. I got rhizomes out as thick as a man’s wrist. I have now gotten that one iris clump dealt with: we will pick three good rhizomes and replant.

I still have the clump at the OTHER end of the bridge. This one took me 3 tries. Each time I would have to come in, cool down, and plan the next assault. It’s been about 4 hours, intermittently. I have a pile of iris to be trimmed and clipped. I think THAT will be my next project, and let the other one wait a bit, for one thing so we don’t mix the colors up.