Overnight. Which was a shame, because that morning I’d hit the lowest weight since 1980.

Waa. But I think it’s only water weight. There was probably onion in the sauce and my fingers feel a little swollen.

Today we have a picnic at friends’ place. Then the annual lake cruise. 😉 I so look forward to that! We do not consider b’days as a single day—more like a week!

And Shu put on some weight, too. He came trotting through the house last night proudly carrying a treat packet. He was so cute he got some.

But this morning we found he’s been stashing another packet under the mudroom carpet, and had chewed his way into it, the little foodaholic! Seishi stays thin despite my best efforts to put a little more beef on him, and Shu is Neutron Cat…a major weight when you pick him up.