This is not the biggest leak that has ever hit the oceans: the biggest was when Saddam Hussein sabotaged the Kuwaiti oil field. And there was a massive leak in Mexican waters, there was the Exxon Valdez, and there is, almost continually, the abysmal mess in Nigeria, where people attempt to deal with oil with low-tech, healthwise lethal means …not to mention what gets spilled into Nigerian waters.

The demand for oil and its profits have made for some very bad decisions. Many of them we can’t do a thing about except by offering assistance and encouraging local governments to put the brakes on some of this: but it’s catch-22: the local governments without the oil profit have no money to clean up what oil’s done to their other resources. In the history of the world, it’s been gold rushes, land rushes, etc. But it’s not just what’s happened in our back yard. The ocean is a circulating resource, and ‘goes around, comes around’. In the end, it’s just not good.

I feel for the people of the Gulf—they’ve been through a lot; and they’re still trying to make it. If you’re debating where to go for a vacation, or where to hold an event, the Gulf could sure use the traffic. Order Gulf seafood: it’s been tested, it’s safe—and it’s probably more tested than seafood not from the Gulf at the moment; and the industry needs help.

And I hope this has been public enough and has enough of the common issues of management and misdeed about it that it will prompt governments to slam some regulations down. There’s a safe and responsible way to use this resource. In whatever industry, inspectors should NOT get chummy with the managers of the site, and should not be accepting food, drink, and a good time from people they’re inspecting. That’s number one, be it meat packing plants or oil platforms.

And if some worker has a protest on file (which should be dated) and is subsequently fired or reassigned, there should be a strong show-cause in an agency hearing: if the company is found to have fired a whistleblower—their liability should be astronomically high. The fact that these platform workers were afraid to protest and had no way to protest lies at the core of what happened here. They knew it was wrong. They were not able to prevent what was about to happen.