To deal with prowlers at the pondside we installed little spooklights around the path, and when they go on, we know something’s out there. So I went out about 11:00 last night armed with an electric lantern to put whatever it was out and away from the pond. Jane followed, and because her cat decided to help, shut the back door to keep him in.

With the lock engaged.

We were locked out.
And the lantern died.
And I tripped and fell on some rocks by the waterfall.
And then we ascertained that, yes, the front door was locked, too.
And the neighbors lights were out.

So Jane decided to try to get in the side of one tiny basement window that had a wooden insert to admit the dryer hose. In the process, we broke the adjacent panel. And she still couldn’t get in, despite painful efforts.

I decided to go wake the neighbors—so in my nightgown, I trek over next door, wake that household, and then Jane shows up saying she’s in.

Well, in, except for the cuts from the glass still in the frame. Mostly scrapes and one nasty slash on the underside of her arm.

A pile of bandages later, and some reassessing what we’re going to do with that window, which right now is provisionally secured—we have a plan.

I have to apologize to the neighbors.
Jane is calling the basement window repair people.
I have the long-awaited dental appointment tomorrow.
This is going to be a week.