…of room refinishing.
Poor Jane’s stuff had to ‘splode out of her room and into kitchen and living room until we can get the work done in there.

The good news is, the floor is level, and we’re nearly finished with the painting. Everything is fresh and new—we have come to realize the previous owner was a chain smoker who, yes, smoked in bed: there’s a dark haze on the ceiling in one spot. All that is dealt with and done, along with spackle patches to every ding and dent on the walls.

My room got a repaint when we moved in, as did almost everything else—except Jane’s room. So now it has a fresh new coat. It’ll be the first to get the new flooring; and maybe we can start laying it tomorrow. We’re hoping that part will go really fast and let Jane get her ‘stuff’ back in order soon, because Shu is really upset. ‘His room’ smells weird and all the stuff is piled up, and he’s blocking your path every time you go anywhere—‘Don’t leave the cat!’

We’re hurrying because I’ve got eye surgery in 7 days, and won’t be able to lift or bend for at least a week after, maybe longer. And of course by then we’ll be putting up Christmas decorations, on whatever floor the living room has by then. We’re just about saving enough by doing the floor ourselves to make it a real bargain…and we had to do something. This carpet is getting old enough to ripple in spots—it’s worn and stretched, and won’t go too much longer. Hiring an installer piles quite a bit of money onto a project like this, and I don’t know how we could get any installers to cope with the ‘stuff’ we’ve got, much of which is heavy, and/or bulky, with no place to put it. The fish tank requires expert moving, and that would be us. We have to drain it way down, preserve the water, and house the fish temporarily in the sump, the corals in a bucket, and a lot of the rock in another bucket. It’s going to be quite an operation, and we only hope we can lighten it enough to move it onto the new surface.