It boils down to “really good idea”—but I haven’t the time or the braincells to spare to run the thing. I’d have to learn php, apparently, for which I have zip aptitude: it took me a while to learn basic html, and that’s in English. I look at the sites that explain php, and it’s a massive amount of reading from which I’m supposed to grasp what the heck planet they’re on, when I’ve got a completely different planet on which Bren has problems I’m tracking with just about all the brain cells I’ve got—besides the daily maintenance on the blog site and the conversions and artwork for Closed Circle, and the accounting and math and troubleshooting for that, plus I just shoved out the door a stack of boxes in excess of 6 feet tall—that’s taller than me—of books people send me to sign, many of which I can hardly lift—[please, people, no 40 lb boxes!] got back home and found two more boxes at the door, and I think tackling php would throw me into meltdown.

So has anybody got a notion how this could work without my learning php?