…glorious weather for it. They’re off doing brother-sister things, and trying to figure what to do about some of the family tapes in the aforementioned near-disaster.

Meanwhile Jane has given me the new little camera and I’m very happy with it. My closeup vision is so rotten I have to do things by feel (or put the hated glasses on, which, in photography, is not always a good thing—it’s a long story, but due to a torque in my astigmatism, they’d have to go into the 6th dimension to grind lenses for what my eyes do, so no bifocals for me: each separate distance has to have a different pair of glasses—hence doing things by feel. I can see the buttons. I can’t read them. I can’t even see the image in the viewfinder. Quel pain, eh?) Anyway, I can ‘feel’ the buttons on this little camera, and it’s got a good auto-function (Sony Cybershot 14.1). And that means I can take pix again. Anybody wanna buy a nice old fashioned Canon Eos digital body? Weighs a ton, hard to carry, and impossible for me to use as my vision has gotten worse. So I am very happy with this little thing.