She’s taken to her bed and is reading and sleeping and having food and reading and sleeping. Overdue, I think. She’s been so tired.

I’m trying to work, but it’s a sleepy sort of day. The light-alarm system is working well: both of us are waking up to it and not being jarred out of bed by the Tolkienian “Fire! Alarm! Awake!” sort of bell, buzzer, or audible alert. Daylight colored light streaming out overhead is the ancient signal for the body clock to say “It’s morning.”

I mentioned, I think, that our two hanging lights were designed as porchlights. Best for the purpose.

We had a hard freeze last night, into the low 30’s, and everything frosted white this morning: the koi came out, but clustered around the floating heater, then made a line, toured the pond, and went back under their winter cover. The waterfall is now off, which lets the water settle in layers, coldest at the top, warmest at the bottom, which is ultimately where the koi will congregate. The hawthorne and birch are bright gold this morning—ready to shed their leaves, and we will see how efficient our pond netting is at keeping them out. I have some cold-water bacteria I need to put in (Lord, that stuff smells bad!) but for the most part, no fishes need put their noses up until spring.