…plus the emotional strain of putting out a book she’s fought for literally for more than ten years and the rewrite of a series that goes back further than that She’s decided, being totally done in, to let me filter comments for her—which I well understand. At a certain point in a creation, your nerves are sandpapered raw, and you want to hear from people, but you dread hearing, too. This book of hers won’t get review comments in the major press—nothing from the New York Times or Kirkus, we’re quite sure [which is damned unfair]—and I’ve had an idea: that we put up, kind of like Amazon’s reviews, reader comments.

So if you have any, as you read ‘Netwalkers, you can post them here, and if you approve them being quoted, say so.

Meanwhile—what is Jane doing, but deciding (before getting back to writing Homecoming Games) to do the cover updates we’ve promised (more 15 hour days staring at code) which I didn’t want, but when you’ve got a decade or so of wound-up tension going—that’s sort of what you do: pick a non-moving target and one requiring known quantities like html and button-pushing, rather than launching out on writing that requires steady hands. The scene she’s on, I happen to know, is mind-blowingly sf and delicate—and I understand.

So if you’ve got things for her, or just want to wave hi, or have gotten into her books and want to discuss (she would love that), just send reactions here and I will quietly slip them to her.