Had a little hark back to oldtime cons—the virtues of having SPACE around a panel, having far fewer panels, even at larger cons, and using some of the extra space for big roundtable discussions—interested audience with pros at tables, in direct discussion, far more up-close, a lot less like a college lecture. I’ve literally seen groups of people taking notes—sheesh! We need more up-close and a lot less view-from-distance where it comes writers meeting with readers. THat was our recommendation—at a con dedicated to people who put on cons. Some extra space to go to after cons for more extended discussion, maybe with refweshments.
We also agreed we’d rather see a big airy consuite where pros can interact with fans (more tables) and less greenroom, where mostly pros meet for 5 minutes prior to the panels and get coffee and hopefully a donut in the morning. The only people you see hanging out in a green room tend to be neopros who are hoping something interesting will happen. Everybody else is grabbing food and moving out. What the heck is this with a sacred secret meeting place of pros (we see each other more than once a year) and no chance to sit and interact with fans. We’re not movie folk: we’re writers—we actually LIKE people!