And I’m going to have to go pump shopping tomorrow—oh, not the big guy that would be a serious ouch! but the little one that runs the auto-topoff on the marine tank. Getting a cheap pump that can take the abrasion of the calcium powder in the auto-topoff reservoir is just about down to a Maxijet 1200, which is fortunately easy to find. And this time I’m going to go look at irrigation drip line at Lowes and see if I can get a nice set of delivery hoses scaled down to fit the 1200. Problem is, the 1200’s output is 3/4″ and the hose really should come down to a 1/4″ aperture at the delivery end—without clogging from the calcium. Replicating the ocean, mind, is not easy.

Meanwhile the outdoor pond is starting to warm up definitively: once it hits 58 degrees we’ll have hungry fishes. The water is, yes, army green. But I can fix that in about 5-6 hours: step one, drain the pond down to the point the fish are getting antsy. Refill with clean water. I need to test the temperature of our tapwater to know what I’ll be putting in versus what’s there now. And then while the water’s down and filling, we install the main pump. Draining the pond is not a given. I’m going to see what I can find in spa hose, so I can use the pond vac to do it, hands-off. I just set it to run and it’ll slowly empty the water. Or I can use a small marine pump to start a siphon (I’m sure not starting it by mouth!) with the garden hose and just let it drain by siphon, which is about as fast.

Then once it’s filled, I add dechlorinator, then an algae killer, as we have the main pump now to aerate the daylights out of it. And that will drop the remnant of algae to the bottom. Step two, two days on, I add sludge remover. And if I get cladella (string algae) later, I add the Interpet formula. La! I think I have gotten this figured. It was crystal clear last year, and most of the winter. The fact the algae is growing apace means it’s waking up. The fish will poke about eating the algae at first, but that’s practically zero food value. Then they’ll really wake up and want some nice pellet.