…not quite while the cement is being poured, but at least while the walls are being painted, half the shelves are up, and the books are in boxes awaiting shelving. We have moved in the cash register and programmed it. We have carpet. We have posters on the walls. We don’t quite have the annex (Cafe Press) up and going—plastic sheeting over that entry…

We have you guys helping, which is marvelous. We think we’ve got all the structure now, and will be providing, we hope, things to keep everybody happy. We hope you’ve enjoyed that first download, despite its first-book problems. We are learning from it and hope that the presses in the back room will run more smoothly now thanks to your input. And no small thanks to those of you still scanning to keep those presses fed.

We’ve been working literally from 5 am until 10 pm daily to get the doors open. We’re so tired we’re punchy, so if we sound a little spaced and frayed, we are. I’m taking time to keep the Foreigner book going—we’re at 105000 words now…and I’m maintaining my focus somehow. We did take yesterday evening off to take Jane to her birthday gift: The Lion King is in town, and she did enjoy it tremendously. Probably her page will have something about that soon.

It’s getting cold: 17 degrees. The  pond is frozen, except for an area by the pond heater, and—a nice side benefit—the neighborhood birds have an open, safe water source, of which they are taking full advantage.

We are so close to the opening we can taste it. I don’t know how much we’ve got in us, but I have blistered my mousing finger: that’s how things are going. 😉

Thanks, everybody.