Remarkable how you can write underwater and with the sound of fans loud enough to homogenize your brain.

OTOH, the koi all came out today, the house temp reached 74 degrees, hence finally necessitating the ac, because we cannot function or sleep at 75 and we daren’t open the windows while the hemlocks and cedars are fornicating in the breeze.

The koi have all waked, we have done a head count and all are there. I circled the pool with black pepper to discourage raccoons, and the water temperature has reached 54, what with the rise in daytime temperatures and the heat of the pump and actual sunlight. So we should feed the koi for the first time real-soon-now, if not tomorrow, when their little exothermic fishy guts have plenty of time to digest the food before the cooldown at night.

Jane has battled demons and gargoyles trying to get Chernevog to display properly in the Adobe E-pub reader, and finally thinks she has done it. We are very close. It’s amazing: these companies keep ‘upgrading’—meaning screwing things up immeasurably with NO regard to those of us actively trying to do this for real, and no upgrade notes, no help, no advisement, and increasingly hostile mutterings from the gurus of the internet who accuse certain companies of trying to de-rail e-books—and not the publishers, either. I mean, just give us some breadcrumbs in the wilderness, some trail that tells us where to look for the latest idiot change in these programs….But we think we’ve got it.