…my site (cherryh.com, the mothership for this blog) is not quite that old, but it’s been there a while…I think since about 1993, maybe earlier. I could see the importance of having a web presence. I knew very little about HTML—I got the HTML for Dummies book, and hired a guy to do the graphics you can still see (old-fashioned, yep, I’m a Historical Internet Landmark) back in the 90’s. Had no idea at all how to organize it, except on the model of an sf convention.

It’s huge, sloppy, and I haven’t updated the main body of it in a year (gotta tend to that soon)–but it’s kind of like a large museum and library of bits and bobs, the sort of place you can wander around in it, the attic where I store stuff. Wave is structurally part of it: the WP sites require an HTML index page for an ‘anchor’ and initial navigator, so it was easy to tack it on.

The site has lost the visitor-count three times and had to be re-started from what I could recall as the number, so the count would be quite a bit higher if I had set the first re-start where I should have: I can’t remember numbers worth a damn, and I think I lost about 50,000 visits.  This is my brain on numbers, eh?

I did the splash page and other artwork, off a very rudimentary graphics program: Microsoft Image Composer. So it’s far from professional, but it’s vintage Me.

Nowadays I can type in HTML for elementary purposes. I’ve officially stopped short of learning PHP—I decided that when we decided not to go with Joomla! and to adapt a WP template, which has adapted pretty well, imho. But all resolutions are subject to change.

So as far as the WWW goes, we’re kinda venerable. And we just keep swimming…just keep swimming…